Friday, November 18, 2011

The whole Henson family

As most people know, we love our friends Lee and Andrea Henson. We photograph them probably the most of anyone. Our kids are best friends and Lee and Brent can't run to the hardware store without each other's company. We've become attached to both of their families as well. A couple of months ago, I posted about the Shipman family, which is Andrea's side and a couple of weeks ago we photographed Lee's whole family. It's such a blessing to know these two wonderful families and to feel a part of them. I feel as comfortable at their houses as I do at my own.
A photo shoot with 4 small boys is always full of energy and always fun. We were chasing the sunlight and only got to shoot Lee's family and Nancy's family before dark. We did the full family shot in their dining room in their house.
I did a fun photo with Lee and Andrea and their boys. I felt like this pose probably described life a little better :) I think Brent and I could do the same pose with our two and feel like it's a perfect fit as well.
It was a great day, a great shoot, a FANTASTIC meal afterwards, and wonderful company.