Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Edwards Family

It's true it's hard to get a whole family together at the same time. So Brent and I are good with shooting around the holidays. We know it's the time when folks are together. The Edwards family came to see us the day after Thanksgiving and couldn't get everyone there at the same time. So, Carol had a great idea of photographing everyone in a different position and placing them around the word "FAMILY". I loved the idea and below is a picture of what I have so far. We're waiting on two more people to come get their photo made. We had fun shooting it too! You had to have vision to see why we were doing such wierd poses. :)
We also took Haley's baby, Ryder, 5 week old photos. He is such a great baby! My children at 5 weeks did not sleep as well as he did. Carol has a tradition of having all of her kid's photos made on a blanket that her mother made. So Ryder joined that tradition and I have a photo of him on the family heirloom. We caught some great shots of Haley with him too .... so sweet.
We also got pictures of Catie and Calyn and they did fantastic. No problem posing these girls - they're naturals.

Thanks Edwards Family!